Database Setup - Jonas

In order for member information to communicate to MemberInsight, set up has to be completed in Jonas Club Management (JCM).


The Profile section outlines which member status and email are sent to MemberInsight, and also where reporting groups are linked to sales areas.
  1. Login to Jonas
  2. Navigate to Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight > Profile
  3. Press Tab on keyboard or select Club Code with drop down
This will enable the other areas that can be accessed using the option on the right starting with Flag Emails.

Note: Please do not adjust any of the other fields seen on this screen as it may break the integration. The only areas that should be updated are the links found on the right.

Please contact [email protected] for additional setup options in JCM

Determines which email address (Main / Business) on file for the member will be sent over to MemberInsight. This will be set for all members at the club.
This is set up during training and does not need to be modified.

1. Click Flag Emails on the right

MemberInsight Profile - Flag Member Email Addresses window appears

2. Action: Flag Email Addresses should be selected
3. Which Email: Main Email Address should be selected

Member Options section
4. Members: Click All

5. Click Proceed - if changes were made to save
or Click Exit to close the window


Unflag Email

This next section is applicable if a member does not want to receive communication from the club for MemberInsight surveys.

Example: member does not want to be surveyed, even though they have a status that should be surveyed.

1. Click Flag Emails on the right

MemberInsight Profile - Flag Member Email Addresses window open

2. Action: Click Un-Flag Email Addresses
3. Which Email: Main Email Address will become greyed out as soon as Un-Flag Email is selected

Member Options section
4. Members: Click Selected
5. Selected: Click on Magnifying glass


Members Lookup Table window will open

6. Search for member
7. Double click on member to select

Member Name will appear in table found under Selected

If there are more names to be unflagged
  • Click Magnifying glass again to select more names
8. Click Proceed - to save changes a pop up will appear to confirm changes

Click Exit to close the window without saving changes

If the wrong member was selected.
  • Double click on member name

Please Confirm box will appear to confirm
  • Click Yes to remove
  • Click No to keep member

This determines which member statuses will be included / excluded when member information is sent over to MemberInsight.

1. Click Member Status on the right

MemberInsight Profile - Member Status Filtering window appears

Statuses To Be Included has 3 Filter Types
  • All - All statuses will be eligible to receive surveys
  • Included - statuses to receive surveys
  • Excluded - statuses to not receive surveys
2. Select Filter type: All, Included or Excluded

Member Status - Select Statuses to be included or excluded
3. Click Magnify glass


Member Status Rules window appears listing all statuses at the club

4. Double Click on the status (code or description) to add to the include or exclude list

This will add the status to the box found under Member Status
  • Click Magnify glass beside Member Status again to add more statuses to the list

If a status was selected in error
  • Double Click on status to remove the status from the list.
5. Click OK to save changes

This controls when the member activity is going to be flagged and sent to MemberInsight.
Example: Member visits the restaurant, but when does accounting flag and track the visit.
1. Click POS Club Activity Profile on the right

POS Club Activity Profile window appears

Update Club Activity File: when should the chit activity be updated.
2. Choose one of the 3 options
  • After Chit is Closed - (recommended)
  • During End of Day Update (allow for adjustments, example wrong member number was entered)
  • When Chit is Opened
3. Click OK to Save changes    

In the event the Update Club Activity File option is disabled and it has to be changed. Navigate to the following in JCM:

Point of Sale System >  System Setup > System Parameters

1. Click on Club Activity on the right - Club Activity window appears

Update Club Activity File: when should the chit activity be updated.
2. Choose one of the 3 options
  • After Chit is Closed - (recommended)
  • During End of Day Update (allow for adjustments, example wrong member number was entered)
  • When Chit is Opened
3. Click OK to Save changes    
Tee Time Club Activity Profile will only be available for clubs that are using Jonas Tee Times. This controls when the tee time booking status is sent to MemberInsight. (Recommend to select When Players Check-in as the best practice if the club is already tracking check-ins)
1. Click Tee Time Club Activity Profile on the right


Tee Time Club Activity Profile window appears

2. Update Club Activity File: when should Tee Time activity be updated
  • During End of Day Processing
  • When Players Check-in
  • At Specified Time
    • Specified Time: enter time to be processed
    •  usually a time in the evening
3. Click OK to Save changes

In the event the Update Club Activity File option is disabled and it has to be changed. Navigate to the following in JCM:

Tee Time Management > Files > System Profile >

1. Click Club Activity on the right - System Profile - Club Activity window appears
2. Update Club Activity File: when should Tee Time activity be updated
  • During End of Day Processing
  • When Players Check-in
  • At Specified Time
    • Specified Time: enter time to be processed
    •  usually a time in the evening
3. Click OK to Save changes

This only has to be clicked on in the event that club decides to create new departments, change the Member Statuses, change the Flag Emails that are allowed to be updated to MemberInsight.
  1. Click Sync on the right
  2. The word Sync will now be BOLD and in italics
  3. This means the sync will run automatically when the next Export takes place (this is usually set to run automatically every 60 minutes)
To edit or create new departments please visit