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Question Set - Add Content

This is where the questions for the question set will be created.
  1. Click Add Content
  2. Select 
    • Question
    • Image
    • Paragraph


The information provided here are the generic steps to manage the content type Question. When creating question(s) for the question set, there are a variety of question types to choose from.
To see the list of question types and examples please go to
Question Types

  1. Add Content: click on black triangle pointing down
  2. Click Question

  1. Question text: Type in the question
  2. Question type: choose from drop down list
    • Depending on the question type selected, additional field(s) will appear to set up the question
    • go to Question type for more details on how each question type works
  3. Require an answer to this question: check the box if they have to answer the question to complete the survey
  4. Click Done

Example of setting up a star rating question type.


Edit Question

  1. Click on question to be edited
  2. Click in box that needs to be edited and make changes
  3. Click Done to save changes

Remove Question

  1. Click on question to be removed
  2. Click Trash can in right corner to remove the question

At the top of the page a pop up will ask Are you sure?
  • Click Cancel to keep the paragraph box
  • Click OK to remove paragraph box

There are numerous Question Types that could be created. 

Here is a quick list of the different question types to choose from.
  1. Long Text
  2. Short Text
  3. Single Choice
  4. Multiple Choice
  5. Grid - Single Choice
  6. Grid - Multiple Choice
  7. Grid - Text
  8. Grid - Number
  9. Grid - Date
  10. Grid Time
  11. Sliding Scale
  12. Star Rating
For more details visit

Instead of creating a new question with the same type and format, there is the option to copy it using the Clone feature. 
This saves time when the club uses similar format and just needs to change a few words in the question.
  1. After a question has been edited click Done
  2. Hover over the question to be copied - Clone (icon with two squares) will appear in the right corner
  3. Click Clone(icon with two squares) - a copy of that question will be made and added as the next question immediately after the original question number. 

Example: There are 5 questions in the survey and you want to copy question number 4. 
Hover over question 4 and click Clone icon, the copied question will now appear as question number 5 and there are 6 questions in the survey now.

While creating the questions for the survey it is common that the order of the questions may need to be changed. 

The order of the questions can be changed with two options. 

Up and Down Arrows

  1. Click into the question that needs to be moved - up and down arrows will appear in the top right corner
  2. Click Up or Down arrow to move the question order in the survey

Click and Drag

  1. Hover over question - mouse pointer will change to move icon
    • The move icon will not appear if you clicked on the question and in edit mode
      • click on another question and hover over the question that needs to be moved again
      • or use the up and down arrows to move question
  2. Click and drag the question to where you want it to be placed
    • The question can be moved within the same page or even moved to another page in the survey

Tip: Questions can also be moved to another page within the question set

  1. First move the question to the bottom of the first page
  2. Scroll down page so that you could see the question on page 1 and page title on page 2
  3. Use the Click and Drag option to move the question from page 1 to page 2


Images can be included anywhere within the question set, so that the survey isn't just text based.

1. Add Content: click on black triangle pointing down
2. Click Image


3. Click Select image

4. Click or Drag image
  • file size no larger than 10MB
  • max width of 1600 px width x 1600 px height



Image will display in the dotted line box
5. ​Click Add Image


6. Alignment: click left justify, center or right justify icons
7. Image caption: (optional) add text to appear under the image
8. Click Done - to save

If the Upload image window was closed using the x in the corner without adding an image, the Select image button will appear again.

If a new content (image, question or paragraph) is added after the empty image content, a broken image icon will appear with the text ctrl.image.caption as a place holder for where an image will appear in the survey.

      1. Click ctrl.image.caption and the Select image button will appear

      2. Go back to step 3 above to add image

Once an image is added it cannot be replaced.
The image has to be removed first and then follow the Add image steps again. The only things that can be edited would be image alignment and image caption.
  1. Click on image
  2. Alignment: Click on left justify, center or right justify
  3. Image caption: optional to add text to appear under the image 
  4. Click Done - to save

The ctrl.image.caption icon and text will appear if no image was ever added.  
Edit Image  
  1. Click ctrl.image.caption - Select image button will appear 
  2. Click Select image to edit 
  3. Follow steps in Add Image
Delete Image  
      1. Click on ctrl.image.caption - Select image button will appear

      2. Click Trash Can in top right corner
At the top of the page a pop up will ask Are you sure?
  • Click OK to remove the image
  • Click Cancel to keep the image
If an image is no longer needed or needs to be replaced it has to be removed.
  1. Click on image
  2. Click Trash Can in top right corner

At the top of the page a pop up will ask Are you sure?
  • Click Cancel to keep the image
  • Click OK to remove the image


Option to add additional instruction/explanation within the question set using plain text. This way information can be provided without it being associated with a question.

1. Add Content: Click on black triangle pointing down

2. Click Paragraph


3. Type in text to be in the paragraph.
  • Text can be copied and pasted from another source
  • No styling - bold, italics and underline
  • No font choices
  • No hyperlinking
4. Click Done

NOTE: If you want to have text appear on a new line, add the html code <br> 

This is what the paragraph will look like after you click on Done.

Edit Paragraph  
  1. Click on existing text in the paragraph box
  2. Make changes to text
    • Click Done to save changes
Remove Paragraph  
  1. Click on existing text in the paragraph box
  2. Click Trash can in right corner to remove the paragraph
    • At the top of the page a pop up will ask Are you sure?
    • Click OK to remove paragraph box
    • Click Cancel to keep the paragraph box

Note: if a paragraph was added but no text was added and other content is already set up on the page, white space will appear in between other images, paragraphs or questions. 

  1. Hover over white space - Clone and Edit pencil icon will appear on the right
  2.  Click in the white space or pencil icon to make changes

  1. Click in the white space
  2. Click Trash can in right corner to remove the paragraph
    • At the top of the page a pop up will ask Are you sure?
    • Click OK to remove paragraph box
    • Click Cancel to keep the paragraph box