Jonas - Create or Manage Departments

To ensure that the Departments are set up correctly there are 3 things that have to be set up and linked together.
  1. Departments to keep track of different areas that the club wants to identify for the surveys
  2. Activity Reporting Group is used to record the activity that takes place at the club and should be linked to a Department
  3. POS Activity Reporting Group Links matches specific sales areas and departments
Once these sections are completed make sure to run a sync this could take 60 minutes before it is completed.

Steps to find the new department in MemberInsight and complete setup.
  1. Login to MemberInsight
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Surveys
  4. Click Department tab
  5. Click on new department and go through 4 steps to set up the survey (1 Recipient, 2 Your Survey,  3 Recipient Comments and 4 Sender Options)
  6. Click Save and the toggle button will appear to enable or disable the department survey
 Below you will find more details on how to set up these three sections.

1. Departments

Departments are set up during installation and are used to track POS transactions to specific areas of the club. Examples of department surveys can include Golf, Fitness, Food and Beverage, etc. Additional departments can be created.

1. Instead of just Golf there could now be two departments, Golf Course and Golf Shop.
2. Food and Beverage could be split into the respective dining areas, Grille Room, Patio and Bar.

Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight >Setup Departments
1. Press Tab on keyboard or select Club Code with drop down

2. Double Click on Department to see details
MemberInsight Departments window appears.
All departments that have been created will appear in the list.

3. Make sure the following items are set up correctly for the Department Code.
  • MemberInsight Department Code: code for department
  • Description: name of department
  • Status: Active
4. Click OK or Exit - to go back to the MemberInsight Departments window
Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight >Setup Departments

1. Press Tab on keyboard or Select Club Code with drop down

2. Double click **Setup a new Department Code **
MemberInsight Departments window appears

MemberInsight Department Code setup window appears
3. MemberInsight Department Code: give the department a name, the code cannot contain spaces
4. Description: Describe department or give Department the same name as the Department Code (spaces are allowed in the description)
5. Status: select Active
6. Click OK to Save new department and it will go back to the MemberInsight Departments window
Note: if you added a new department, make sure you add the same Activity Reporting group to match

2. Activity Reporting Group

Club Activity Reporting Group codes can be linked to different modules. For the MemberInsight Module, adding a Department code will trigger a member survey for the linked activity. Original Activity Reporting Groups would have been created and linked to a Department code with initial setup. If a new Department code was added. Make sure to create a new Activity Reporting Group to match and have them linked.

Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight > Setup Activity Reporting Group/Department Links

1. Press Tab on keyboard or Select Club Code with drop down and click on arrow pointing down with plus sign.

Activity Reporting Groups window appears
All Reporting Groups created will appear with the matching Department code
2. Double Click on Department to see details

Setup Activity Reporting Group/Department Links window appears
Make sure the following items are set up correctly for the Activity Reporting Group
  • Activity Reporting Group code will display
  • Description: should be relevant for the code
  • MemberInsight Department matches the Activity Reporting Group


If the MemberInsight Department does not match, then it should be corrected.
Example: Activity Reporting Group was FANDB and the MemberInsight Deparment selected was Golf.

Match the activity group with the department

1. Click Magnifying glass - the MemberInsight Departments window appears
2. Double click on the Department
  •  if the Department code is not listed follow instructions in the Departments section to create a new Department first
3. Click OK to save

Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight > Setup Activity Reporting Group/Department Links

1. Press Tab on keyboard or Select Club Code with drop down and click on arrow pointing down with plus sign

Activity Reporting Groups window opens
All Reporting Groups created will appear with the matching Department code
2. Double click on **Setup a new group code **

Setup Activity Reporting Group/Department Links window appears
Make sure the following items are set up correctly for the Activity Reporting Group
3. Activity Reporting Group: give the reporting group a name
4. Description: Describe the group or give description the same name

5. MemberInsight Department: Click on the Magnify glass to display list of Departments that have been created
MemberInsight Departments window appears
  • Double Click the Department that best matches new activity group
  • If the department has not been created go to Create New Department Code instructions above

6. Click OK to Save

3. POS Activity Reporting Group Links

This section looks at POS transactions and how they will be mapped out to specific sales areas and departments to determine attendance and what surveys a member should receive.
Club Activity Reporting Groups (departments) are linked to a partition to better define where the activity took place.

Club Management > Interfaces > MemberInsight > Profile
1. Click POS Activity Reporting Group Links on the right

Club Activity Reporting Group Links window appears

2. Partition ID Click on magnifying glass

POS Partitions window appears
3. Double Click to select partition

If the incorrect partition was selected
  • Click OK at the bottom of the screen -  This will clear the selection and go back to the screen to select a new partition ID

  • Clubs that have more than one partition, the instructions for the Exclusions and Overrides sections should be repeated for all partitions.
  • If the club only has 1 partition, it should be linked to the 'other' activity reporting group code.
Activity Reporting Group Code
The Activity Reporting Group Code field will populate once the partition ID is selected and usually has the same or similar name as the Partition ID.

See two examples on the right.
If an Activity Reporting Code is not assigned
1. Click Magnify glassActivity Reporting Groups window appears
2. Double Click on Department to select

To prevent any activity from specific Sales Areas to be updated into MemberInsight, the Exclusions section will need to be set up by adding a Sales Area and Category if necessary. Otherwise the Exclusion section could be left empty.
Steps to Add Sales Area - to be excluded
1. Click magnify glass icon beside Sales Area

POS Sales Areas window will appear
2. Double Click on Sales Area Item to select 2 Main Dining Room


Sales Area number selected will appear.
Next, specify a Category in the sales area to be excluded.
3. Click magnify glass icon beside Category
Sales Categories window will appear

5. Double Click on the Sales Category item to be excluded.
Or select **All Categories** to exclude everything for this Sales Area.

Sales Area and Category added to exclusions table.
Repeat process to add more Sales Areas and Categories to be excluded.

6. Click OK to save

If you click Exit a box will appear "Save changes?"
  • Yes - changes will save and window will close
  • No - all changes will be lost and window will close
  • Cancel - box will disappear and able to continue making changes

Remove Exclusion from table

In the event the Sales area and cateogry was excluded in error, they can be removed.
1. Double click on the row to be removed

2. Confirm this information should be removed
3. Click OK to save

This is where the sales areas can be mapped correctly to the activity reporting groups that have been set up.

Activity Reporting Group Overrides

Steps to Add items to Overrides 
1. Click magnify glass icon beside Sales Area

POS Sales Areas window will appear
2. Double Click on Sales Area Item to select 


Sales Area number selected will appear.
Next, specify a Category in the sales area
3. Click magnify glass icon beside Category

Note: depending on the partition that is selected the POS Sales Areas items that appear would be different

Sales Categories window will appear

4. Double Click on the Sales Category item 
Or select **All Categories** to include everything for this Sales Area.


The asterisk (star) will appear if all categories was selected.
5. Click magnify glass icon beside Activity Reporting Groups

Now that the Sales Areaand Category is selected, select the Acitvity Reporting Group. This will determine the 'department' survey, members will receive.
Activity Reporting Groups window will appear

6. Double Click Activity Reporting Group to be used
A new row has been added in the table to show which Activity Reporting Group the selected Sales Area and Category combination is linked to.

Repeat process to add more Sales Areas and Categories to the correct Reporting Group.

7. Click OK to save
If you click Exit a box will appear "Save changes?"
  • Yes - changes will save and window will close
  • No - all changes will be lost and window will close
  • Cancel - box will disappear and able to continue making changes

Remove item from table

If an item was added in error, it can be removed.
1. Double click on the row to be removed

2. Confirm this information should be removed
3. Click OK to save