
There are 3 types of surveys that could be set up using MemberInsight, Global, Department and One Off.
Click Settings in MemberInsight and then Surveys in the second level navigation to view or edit survey details.


Survey types

Global surveys are also referred to as Relational surveys 
  • Members that recently had an interaction at the club will be eligible to receive the survey.
  • They will be added to both the Relational and Department surveys if applicable.
  • These members could be filtered further by editing the segment, see the editing section for more details
  • There is only one question in the survey. There's only a few words in the question that can be modified in the Manage survey section (2 Your Survey > Survey Question)
How likely are you to recommend Company Name to friends and family?

If the club wishes to ask additional questions after the NPS question is completed there is the option of adding a question set to the relational survey.

The departments found in this section were created during the initial set up process.
  • Members that recently had an interaction in a particular department, will be eligible to receive one of the department surveys.
  • To create or edit departments please visit Database Setup or contact [email protected]
  • These members could be filtered further by editing the segment, see the editing section for more details
    • Example: Golf Course, Golf Shop, Grille Room, Patio, Fitness, Spa etc...
  • There is only one question in the survey. There's only a few words in the question that can be modified in the Manage survey section (2 Your Survey > Survey Question)
Based on your visit yesterday, how likely are you to recommend Fitness to someone you know?

If the club wishes to ask additional questions after the NPS question is completed there is the option of adding a question set to the department survey.

These are surveys that are targeting all members or non-members that have been uploaded using a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file.
  • Create a survey where it only asks custom questions that were created in the Questions section and disable the NPS question
  • Ask the NPS question only to all recipients in the CSV instead of just a percentage
  • Or ask the NPS survey question first and then the custom questions that were created in the Questions section
How likely are you to recommend Company Name to friends and family?

Survey Information

Ongoing Surveys

These surveys are sent out on a daily basis at a designated time, randomly only to a percentage of members set by the club, that meet the criteria set up. This way members do not end up getting a survey each time they visit the club.

Usually the default is set to 20% of members from all ongoing survey.


Department Survey

  • 100 are in the fitness department recipient pool
    • 20 people (20%) will receive the Fitness Department survey

Relational Survey

  • 100 people are added to the relational recipient pool because they visited other areas at the club
  • The 100 people from fitness will be added to the relational survey recipient pool as well
  • Total 200 people are in the relational recipient pool
    • 40 people (20%) will receive the Relational survey

At the end of the day 20 people will receice the Fitness survey and a different set of 40 people would receive the Relational survey. They will not receive both.

This percentage will be set the same for all the ongoing surveys.
  • To change the percentage please contact [email protected]
  • It is possible that a member visited the club but was not selected to receive a survey

Example: Everyday 20% will be selected from the recipient pool for each ongoing survey. It's not possible to send 20%  for one department and 25% for another.


One Off Surveys

All contacts on the CSV file will be sent the survey.
These surveys are targeting all members or non-members that have been uploaded using a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for a particular one off survey.
  • The only information required in the file is first name, last name and email address.
  • Clubs like to use the One Off Surveys for annual surveys, club improvement suggestions, tournaments, special events etc.


Ongoing Survey

Usually the default is set to 3:00pm local time, so that members could potentially receive surveys on the same day that they visited.
  • The time that is set will be the same for all the ongoing surveys.
  • To change the time that the survey is sent visit Limits

Example: All ongoing surveys will be sent at 3:00pm, it is not possible to have one department send at 3:00pm and another send at 8:00pm.


One Off Survey

When the administrator clicks Send Now for the one off survey it will send to everyone that was on the list instead of the percentage of the eligible members in the Ongoing Surveys.


Ongoing Surveys

To view who was sent a survey, this has to be done using the Reports section.
  1. Click Reports at the top
  2. In the System Health section, click Sends and Responses
  3. Filter the time frame, type of survey and department if needed
  4. Scroll down and click Recipients bar
  5. Look in the Sent column to see the date that it was sent to the member
    • The Responded column will populate with Date only when member they respond
    • There is no sort option here to find a particular member
    • The list can be Downloaded into a CSV file

Keep in mind the recipients are selected at random, that means a member could have visited the club and not selected to be sent a survey.


One Off Surveys

Everyone that was uploaded in the CSV file would have been sent the one off survey.
  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Surveys
  3. Click One Off Surveys
  4. Click Sent
  5. Click Survey name
  6. View Recipients


Ongoing Survey

The easiest way to view responses is by going to the Responses section.
  1. Click Responses
  2. Filter date range, type of survey and department if needed
  3. All responses will be displayed
    • Option to search by comments or by recipient name if you change the search option
    • Option to Export to CSV file
Another option to view responses could be found in the Reports section.
  1. Click Reports
  2. In the Analysis section, click NPS Score
  3. Filter the time frame, type of survey and department if needed
  4. Scroll down and click Responses bar
  5. Date column will indicate when they responded
    • There is no sort option here to find a particular member
    • The list can be Downloaded into a CSV file
  6. Click on recipient name to get details

To see the responses to the custom questions that was added to an ongoing survey follow the One Off Survey instructions below.

One Off Survey

To view any responses to surveys that had custom question sets included, please visit the Reports section.
  1. Click Reports
  2. In the Survey Questions section, click Results
  3. Survey Question Results table will appear
  4. Click Export CSV beside the Question Set name that you would like to view responses for
  5. A CSV File will download and appear usually in the bottom right corner
  6. Click Open - and the CSV file will open up with the Respsonse information including NPS score and comments if it was included in the survey

Manage Survey

To view or edit the survey there are 4 steps that have to be set up for each survey.
These are the 4 steps: 1 Recipients, 2 Your Survey, 3 Recipient Comments and 4 Sender Options.

More info