MemberInsight User Guide

A guide to help users understand how MemberInsight works and manage Todo items.
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Using MemberInsight FAQs

The star performer feature will only appear on the Dash if multiple Users are creating interactions within member responses.
The Quick Win feature indicates the number of response tags mentioned in survey responses, which belong to a specific response tag group as opposed to a specific survey. Therefore, the number of mentions differ from the number of actual responses. The Quick Win feature will showcase the response tag group with the most negative mentions.
When the first email is sent, the member will be removed from the Todo list, therefore creating a follow-up email will not be possible. However, if you go back to your sent mail folder within your email program and locate the first email, you can send another email by clicking reply all as this will contain the BCC address you need to create a second email interaction.
By default the system will not add passive and promoter responses to the Todo list. If you would like to add passive and/or promoter responses to the Todo list, navigate to Settings > Closed Loop and enable and adjust the closed loop settings for passive and/or promoters.

To manually add an individual passive or promoter response to the Todo list, navigate to Responses, locate the member response and then click + Add Todo found within their response.
Below are two resource articles to set Outlook or Gmail as your default email program, which will launch each time you want to use the send email option in MemberInsight. If you are unable to make the changes outlined in the article, please request the assistance of your I.T. as they will be able to do this for you.

Please follow the steps in this article to configure your Outlook email program:
Please follow the steps in this article to configure your Gmail email program:
The formula is as follows: NPS Score = % of total promoter responses - % of total detractor responses

  • Total Responses = 50
  • Total promoter responses = 5 (10% of the total)
  • Total detractor responses = 25 (50% of the total)
  • 10 – 50 = NPS score of -40
No, an email will only be sent each morning at 8:00am and advises on all ToDo list items for the club. If the User does not need the daily ToDo list email, this email can be disabled and the User can view the ToDo list by way of logging into MemberInsight and viewing the ToDo list.

To enable or disable the Digest Emails for each user:
  1. Login
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Users
  4. Click on the applicable User's name
  5. Toggle on to enable (blue) or off to disable (red) the applicable Digest Emails (specifically Receives To-do List in this case)
  6. Click Save in the bottom left corner

Setup FAQs

After a member responds to an initial survey email they are added to the ToDo list by means of the Closed Loop process (typically for Detractor responses, but can also be enabled for Passive and Promoter responses). Then the system will automatically send the member a follow up survey 21 days after they submitted their original survey response.

Below are the steps to adjust when a member will receive a follow up survey email through the Closed Loop process:
  1. Login
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Closed Loop
  4. Click on Detractors, Passives or Promoters
  5. Click on Send a follow up survey
  6. Adjust setting to Hours, Day or Weeks via the drop down, and adjust the number
  7. Click Save in the bottom left corner
In the event that a member accidentally deletes or chose to ignore the intial survey email that was sent, the system is set up to send out an automated reminder email.

The following two items can be changed by contacting [email protected]
  • The reminder email can be changed from the default 7 days to the number of days of the club's choosing
  • The reminder email can be disabled
Note: once the default number of days is set, it applies to all the surveys. 

It is optional to include a personalized reminder message for a follow up survey email. To set the reminder message:
  1. Login
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. Select the applicable survey
  5. Click on Step 2 of the survey
  6. Click the Add reminder message button found under the club logo
  7. Insert the reminder message
  8. Click Done
  9. Click Save in the bottom left corner
Yes, areas of the club can be broken down into separate departments.

Example: We currently have a Food and Beverage Department set up and want to separate it into the Main Dining Room, Patio and The Grille Room so that we can track transactions from each restaurant.

If you require assistance with adding/adjusting departments, please contact [email protected].

Survey FAQs

Refer to the SPF and DKIM setup. If The club is still not receiving test emails, have your club's IT check the level of security that is set on the spam filters as they could be set too high.
The NPS surveys were designed to be sent out to a percentage of members that attended the club/a particular department within a set time frame (ex. less than 3 days ago). Surveys are sent on a daily basis, and a member will be eligible for a survey based on their last visit/POS transaction at the club. If the member is not selected for a survey, they will be removed from the recipient pool until they are re-added based on the segment criteria. So it is very possible that a Member visits different areas of the club and is still not surveyed if they were not randomly selected by the system on that day/prior to being removed from the pool of recipients.

Members are eligible for surveys via the following steps:
  1. The Member visits the club/has a POS transaction
  2. Their chit is closed / processed during end of day processing in the back office
  3. An update is run every 60 minutes in the back office system and every 2 hours in MemberInsight which will update the Member's data in MemberInsight
  4. The Member's name will be entered into a pool of recipients for the Relational and respective Departmental surveys based on the Segment Filter Criteria for that survey; for example: how long the Member been a member at the club, how many days ago did they last visit the club etc.
  5. The survey will send out at the designated time to the specified percentage of eligible recipients

By default 20% of eligible recipients will receive a survey. To change the percentage of recipients that will receive a survey please contact [email protected].

To change the designated time that surveys are sent, navigate to Settings > Limits > adjust The time of day the system will start sending Surveys.

The only way to ensure that all recipients receive a survey is by utilizing a One Off Survey. A One Off Survey requires the club to upload a CSV file with the first name, last name and email address of each recipient, which can be both members and/or non-members. One Off Surveys are typically used more for annual surveys, tournaments or special events when the club's would like to receive feedback from all the attendees.
At most a Member can only receive one survey in a day. As a reminder, the system only sends surveys to a percentage of eligible survey recipients, so it is possible that a Member visits the club but does not receive any surveys.

To change how often Members are surveyed, navigate to Settings > Limits > adjust the How Often? settings.

Below is the recommended time frame of how often surveys are sent. These time frames can be adjusted by utilizing the drop down lists and clicking Save at the bottom of the screen.
  • Minimum time between any survey: 4 weeks
  • Minimum time between relational surveys: 6+ months
  • Minimum time between department surveys: 3+ months
To change the designated time that surveys are sent, adjust The time of day the system will start sending Surveys on the same screen. This default is usually 3 PM.
By default 20% of eligible recipients in a survey pool will receive a survey. This can be changed by adjusting the send percentage. Note that this setting affects all surveys (not including One-Off-Surveys using a CSV file upload). If you would like to adjust the percentage of recipients that are eligible to receive a survey, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
The only way to ensure that all recipients receive a survey is by utilizing a One Off Survey. A One Off Survey requires the club to upload a CSV file with the first name, last name and email address of each recipient, which can be both members and/or non-members. One Off Surveys are typically used more for annual surveys, tournaments or special events when the club's would like to receive feedback from all the attendees.
There could be a few reasons why members are not appearing in a recipient pool for a department survey:
  1. The Segment Filters are not set up correctly
  2. There is an integration issue

1. Check Segment Filters

Segment filters determine who is eligible for a survey. These filters might be set to a last attendance parameter that can cause no members to populate into the segment pool. For example, the survey filters below is set to recipients that attended exactly 1 day ago. This means that if a recipient visited the club 2 or 3 days ago they will not be part of the eligible recipient pool, as the survey will only be sent out to recipients that attended exactly 1 day ago. Once the recipient has been in the eligible recipient pool for more than 1 day, they will be removed from the list.

To adjust Segment Filtes:
  1. Login
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. Click on the applicable survey name (such as a survey that does not have any recipients)
  5. Under Segments, click Edit Segment
  6. Click on the Last attendance filter to edit and set the parameters
    • Most clubs set Department Surveys to less than 3 days ago - this means that the club wants to survey recipients that visited/had a transaction associated to this department within the last 3 days
  7. Click Apply

2. Identify if there is an integration issue

After you complete the steps above and recipients are still not populating into the survey's receipient pool the next day, please contact [email protected] and a Support Tech will reach out and assist by gaining access to the server.
Recipients have 24 hours to change their score by going back to their original survey email (provided that recipient has not deleted the original survey email). After 24 hours no one can change the recipient's score.
If a CSV file was uploaded but no recipients are populating, make sure that the CSV file format is correct. The three columns that are required are:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
There is a sample CSV file available that can be downloaded and used as a template:
  1. Login
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Surveys
  4. Click on One Off Surveys
  5. Click Add Survey or on an existing survey
  6. Click the CSV Upload tab in the Recipients section
  7. Click on the arrow pointing down (to the right of Required Fields) to download the sample CSV template
  8. Enter the First name, Last name and Email address of each recipient to the file and save the file as a CSV file
  9. Drag and drop or click or, select a file to upload the CSV file