Manage Surveys

1 Recipients

In this section you can view and set the critera for the recipients that will be eligible to receive a survey.

This section allows the club to view the number of recipients in the segment. The segment contains ### recipients will be displayed. Each day at a designated time a percentage of recipients will be selected out of this number will be sent a survey.

Below are the default filters that are set up. Filters can be edited or added to ensure that only members that match the criteria can be added to the segment.

Click Edit Segment to see the default filters that have been set up, below you will see the defaults for Relational and Department surveys.

Relational Survey

Default filter is usually set up already and looks like this. It means anyone that visited the club 3 days ago will be in the segment (it doesn't count today, chances are data from today's activities have not yet been processed).
  • Last attendance less than 4 days ago - this could be changed
  • Join date more than 20 days ago cannot be changed
  • Last attendance less than 29 days ago cannot be changed
  • Member Status is one of [1 selections] - should not be changed
    • set to Active - this is a MemberInsight status that indicates these members were flagged to be brought over from the accounting system. It does not represent the status that the member is assigned to at the club.

Department Surveys

Default filter is usually set up already and looks like this.
It means anyone that visited a particular department 3 days ago will be in the segment (it doesn't count today, chances are data from today's activities have not yet been processed).
  • Join date more than 20 days ago - cannot be changed
  • Last attendance less than 4 days ago - this could be changed
  • Department is one of [1 selections] - cannot be changed
  • Member Status is one of [1 selections] - should not be changed
    • set to Active - this is a MemberInsight status that indicates these members were flagged to be brought over from the accounting system. It does not represent the status that the member is assigned to as the club.
       1. Click Edit Segment - screen will display filters applied

       2. Click Preview Segment

Table will display with the following information
  • Firstname, Lastname, Date of birth, Email, Location, Last Survey (this column would be empty if they were not selected to receive the survey) ,Last attendance (when the member visited the club)
  • Segment could contain 0 receipients if no members match all the criteria
  • Some names could be highlighed in different colours
    • Yellow - member sent a survey within the last XX days
      • number of days set up in Limits - Minimum time between any survey
    • Red - member either received a survey yesterday or have unsubscribed
       1. Click Edit Segment 

       2. Click filter name to edit - some filters cannot be edited
           or click on triangle icon and select Edit


       3. Make changes to filter
       4. Click Apply - to save changes
           or click X to close filter with out changes
       5. Click Done
       6. Click Save

       1. Click Edit Segment


       2. Click Add Filter - Choose from criteria list
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Join Date
  • Cancel date
  • Expiry date
  • Last attendance
  • Last Attendance Location
  • Department
  • Last attendance
  • Member Status
  • Member Category
       3. Set parameters for criteria 
  • options available will differ for each criteria
       4. Click Add
       5. Click Done
       6. Click Save

       1. Click Edit Segment


       2. Click on triangle beside Criteria
       3. Select Delete - the criteria will be removed immediately
       4. Click Save


The CSV upload tab is usually used only for the One Off Surveys. All contacts in the CSV file will receive a survey. It is recommended that the CSV file be filtered and edited before you upload into the Recipients section.

To Upload the CSV file there are two methods

Note: Files must be saved as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file with first name, last name and email and no larger than 5MB.

Option 1 - Drag & Drop
  • Locate the csv file on your computer, click, drag and drop the file into the CSV Upload area
Option 2 - Select a File
  • Click on or, select a file button and then select the file from your computer
  • Click Open

2 Your Survey

In this section you can set up the details for the survey. This includes editing the logo, colour, privacy policy, personal message and adding a custom question set.

When working in this section there's a button on the right that asks how you want to set things up for the survey.
  • Inherit from branding - take information from Brand tab
  • Inherit from location - take information from Locations tab
  • Set on this page - customize the text, image or color for the survey
Default is usually set to Inherit from branding
  1. Click on Inherit from branding
  2. Select Set on this page
  3. Set value by changing text, image or color to be used for the survey

Survey Name: this cannot be changed - this is an internal name for the survey, only the administrators can see

Logo: default - Inherit from branding
To change the logo for this particular survey only

      1. Click Inherit from branding

      2. Select Set on this page
      3. The option to change the image will now be available
      4. Click in the dotted line box or Drag the image file into the box

Logo size restrictions
Images should be no larger than 400KB in size. Images will be scaled down to a maximum width of 450 pixels and a maximum height of 200 pixels
Add Personal message
The text typed in this section will appear in the email below the logo and above the NPS question in the survey. It can be used to type additional information (text only) in the email.
      1. Click Add personal message - simple text editor will open
      2. Add or edit message to members
            - Click Clear message - to erase personal message

      3. Click Done - to save

Subject line cannot be changed it will always be the NPS question difference is the Reminder message will have the word Reminder in front of the NPS question

Add reminder message
This message will be sent out automatically in 7 days if the member did not answer the NPS question. The number days when the reminder email is sent can be changed or it could be turned off, contact [email protected] to modify this setting. Similar to the Personal message the text will appear below the logo and above the NPS question. It can be used to type additional information (text only) in the email. If a reminder message is not set up then the personal message will be used.
      1. Click Add reminder message - simple text editor will open
      2. Add or edit message to members
            - Click Clear message - to erase reminder message

      3. Click Done - to save

Subject line cannot be changed it will always be the NPS question difference is the Reminder message will have the word Reminder in front of the NPS question

The NPS question has been created in a particular format and only some text can be modified in the NPS question.
Depending on the type of survey (Relational, Department or One-Off) the options will be different.

Relational survey

How likely are you to recommend Company Name (edit subject of survey) to friends and family(select audience)?
Edit subject of survey
  • Inherit from branding - company name will be inherited
  • Set on this page - type in subject of survey
Select audience
  • friends and family
  • somone you know
  • a colleague
  • other - type in the audience for survey. Limited to 30 characters

Department Survey

Based on your visit(edit subject of survey) yesterday(select timescale), how likely are you to recommend Department name(edit subject of survey) to friends and family(select audience)?
Edit subject of survey   Select Timescale   Edit subject of survey   Select Audience
Once a timescale has been selected the word visit could be replaced if applicable.   Choose timescale
  Default is Inherit from department, this displays name of the department.   Choose audience for subject line
  • Click on the word visit and change the text

  • recent visit
  • visit yesterday

  1. Click Inherit from department
  2. Select Set on this page
  3. Click Company Name to replace text

  • friends and family
  • somone you know
  • a colleague
  • other - type in the audience for survey. Limited to 30 characters

One Off Survey

THe NPS question can be customized the same way the Relational survey was set up or the NPS question could be disabled.

Include NPS Question

Toggle On - NPS question will be sent

How likely are you to recommend Company Name (edit subject of survey) to friends and family(select audience)?
Edit subject of survey
  • Inherit from branding - company name will be inherited
  • Set on this page - type in subject of survey
Select audience
  • friends and family
  • somone you know
  • a colleague
  • other - type in the audience for survey. Limited to 30 characters

Toggle Off - NPS question will not be sent

Two extra sections will appear within the Your Survey section
  1. Email Subject - customize the subject line instead of using the NPS question that will be defaulted
  2. Invitation Message - add a message why recipients are receiving this email with a bunch of custom questions
Brand Colour

The brand colour is usually defaulted to Inherit from branding to be consistent with the club colour.
The Company Name and the numbers will be displayed with the colour set up in the Brand section.The rest of the survey question text, will always be black.

To change the colour for the Company Name and the numbers for this particular survey only.
  1. Click Inherit from branding
  2. Select Set on this page
  3. The option to change the colour will now be available
  4. Click in the box to type in the hex colour code or choose the colour

Privacy Policy URL
Privacy Policy URL is usually defaulted to Inherit from branding and never changed.
If customized questions were created to ask members in addition to the NPS question, they could be added here.
  1. Click on box under Add question set
  2. Only question sets that have been saved as Ready will be listed in the drop down box
  3. Select question set to be added
          More info on Question Sets

3 Recipient Comments

Once the member provides a score for the NPS question, there will be a section for them to provide feedback in a comment box. The question displayed can be customized based on the score. The comments provided will be collected and found in the Responses section.

The same question will appear by default for all 3 score ranges.
What is the main reason you have given the score above?
The question can be customized based on the score that is provided.

   1. Choose the Score from the dropdown option
        0 -  6    Detractor
        7 -  8    Passive
        9 - 10   Promoters

    2. Edit the question as necessary
    3. Click Done to save the changes

Most clubs will keep the same question for all three score types.

Example: if you wanted to change the text for Promoters

What can we continue doing at the club to keep getting this score?



4 Sender Options

Depending on which survey is being sent. The from name and reply to email information that appears in the email can be edited.

The from name is usually defaulted to Inherit from branding and display the club or person's name that was set up in the Brand Section
To change from Name
  1. Click Inherit from branding
  2. Select Set on this page.
  3. Click in box under From name
  4. Type in name to be displayed for this survey
  5. Click Done
  6. Click Save
The Reply -To address is usually defaulted to Inherit from branding and display the email address that was set up in the Brand Section.
To change Reply-To address
  1. Click Inherit from branding
  2. Select Set on this page.
  3. Click in box under Reply-To address
  4. Type in email address to be used for this survey
  5. Click Done
  6. Click Save